01751 620031 / 07790 893007 hello@karenhayward.co.uk

As many of you know, I go to great lengths to take care of my mental health. I also spend a lot of time helping other people to take care of their mental health too.

Those of you who have worked with me or know me personally will also know that I am overweight. This doesn’t particularly bother me. I am very happy in my skin, walk lots with my dogs and consider myself to be reasonably healthy.

However, there have been a few things lately (which I will tell you about in other posts) that have led to me challenging my view that I am reasonably healthy.

I have decided that over the next 12 months, I am going to make some small changes that will have big, long-term benefits. The emphasis is not going to be on losing weight (although I expect that to be a happy bi-product of the changes) but rather improving my functional fitness, improving my health, eating well, getting a decent amount of sleep. I don’t really get stressed, but regular exercise is great for mental health, as is eating well, seeing friends and sleeping well.

You are welcome to join me on this journey of self discovery and improvement.  I am sure that we can support each other as we move towards a healthier future.
